A Beginner’s Guide to Logistic Regression in Machine Learning

Logistic Regression is a fundamental concept in Machine Learning that is widely used in many industries and academic fields. It is a statistical method that models the probability of an event occurring based on one or more independent variables. Logistic Regression is a binary classification algorithm that is used to classify data into one of two categories.

One of the reasons why Logistic Regression is so popular is that it is easy to understand and implement. It is a straightforward but powerful tool for Machine Learning that can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. Logistic Regression is also a great starting point for beginners who want to learn about Machine Learning, as it is one of the first binary response models that undergraduate statistics students learn to use.

What is Logistic Regression?


Logistic regression is a statistical technique used to analyze and model the relationship between a binary dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is a type of regression analysis that is commonly used for binary classification problems. The dependent variable is a binary outcome, such as yes/no, true/false, or 0/1.

Logistic regression is essentially used to calculate the probability of a binary event occurring. It is a classification algorithm that predicts the probability of an event based on a given dataset of independent variables. Since the outcome is a probability, the dependent variable is bounded between 0 and 1.


Logistic regression has a wide range of applications in various fields, including healthcare, finance, marketing, and social sciences. Some examples of its applications are:

  • Medical diagnosis: Logistic regression can be used to predict the probability of a patient having a disease based on their symptoms and medical history.
  • Credit risk analysis: Logistic regression can be used to predict the probability of a borrower defaulting on a loan based on their credit score, income, and other factors.
  • Marketing: Logistic regression can be used to predict the probability of a customer buying a product based on their demographic and behavioral characteristics.
  • Political science: Logistic regression can be used to predict the probability of a candidate winning an election based on various factors such as their political affiliation, campaign spending, and voter demographics.

In summary, logistic regression is a powerful tool for binary classification problems. It is widely used in various fields for predicting the probability of an event occurring based on a given set of independent variables.

Assumptions of Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a widely used statistical method in machine learning for predicting binary outcomes. It is essential to understand the assumptions of logistic regression to ensure that the model is correctly applied and interpreted.

Linearity of Independent Variables

One of the critical assumptions of logistic regression is that the relationship between the logit of the outcome and each continuous independent variable is linear. The logit is the logarithm of the odds ratio, where p = probability of a positive outcome. The linearity assumption can be checked by examining the scatterplot of the independent variable against the logit of the outcome. If the relationship is not linear, a transformation of the independent variable may be necessary.

Independence of Errors

Another assumption is that the errors (residuals) are independent of each other. This means that the error for one observation should not be related to the error for another observation. Violation of this assumption can lead to biased estimates and incorrect inferences. The independence of errors can be checked by examining the residuals plot.

Absence of Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity occurs when two or more independent variables are highly correlated with each other. This can lead to unstable estimates of the regression coefficients and incorrect inferences. Multicollinearity can be checked by examining the correlation matrix of the independent variables. If the correlation coefficient is close to 1 or -1, it indicates a high degree of multicollinearity.

Large Sample Size

Logistic regression assumes that the sample size is large enough to estimate the parameters accurately. A large sample size ensures that the standard errors of the regression coefficients are small, which leads to more precise estimates. The rule of thumb is to have at least 10-20 observations per independent variable.

In summary, understanding the assumptions of logistic regression is crucial for correctly applying and interpreting the model. Violation of these assumptions can lead to biased estimates and incorrect inferences. Therefore, it is essential to check these assumptions before applying logistic regression.

Types of Logistic Regression

There are three main types of logistic regression that are used in machine learning. These are:

Binary Logistic Regression

Binary logistic regression is used when the dependent variable is binary in nature. In other words, it can only take on two values, such as “yes” or “no”, “true” or “false”, or 0 or 1. This type of logistic regression is commonly used in medical research, marketing, and social sciences.

In binary logistic regression, the goal is to predict the probability of the dependent variable taking on a certain value, given a set of independent variables. The output of binary logistic regression is a probability value between 0 and 1.

Multinomial Logistic Regression

Multinomial logistic regression is used when the dependent variable has more than two categories. In this case, the output of the model is a set of probabilities, one for each category. The probabilities add up to 1, and the category with the highest probability is chosen as the predicted value.

Multinomial logistic regression is commonly used in fields such as finance, biology, and political science.

Ordinal Logistic Regression

Ordinal logistic regression is used when the dependent variable is ordinal in nature. In other words, it can take on a finite number of values that have a natural ordering, such as “low”, “medium”, and “high”. The output of the model is a set of probabilities, one for each possible value of the dependent variable.

Ordinal logistic regression is commonly used in fields such as psychology, education, and social sciences.

In summary, the three types of logistic regression are binary, multinomial, and ordinal. The choice of which type to use depends on the nature of the dependent variable and the problem being solved.

Logistic Regression Model Building

Logistic Regression is a popular algorithm for binary classification problems in machine learning. In this section, we will discuss the steps involved in building a Logistic Regression model.

Data Preparation

The first step in building any machine learning model is to prepare the data. This involves cleaning the data, handling missing values, and transforming the data into a format that can be used by the model. It is crucial to ensure that the data is of high quality and free from errors.

Variable Selection

After data preparation, the next step is variable selection. This involves selecting the features that are most relevant to the problem at hand. It is essential to choose the right set of features as it can have a significant impact on the performance of the model.

Model Building

The next step is to build the Logistic Regression model. This involves fitting the model to the training data and tuning the hyperparameters to achieve the best possible performance. It is essential to evaluate the model’s performance on the validation set and make adjustments as necessary.

Model Evaluation

The final step is to evaluate the model’s performance on the test set. This involves calculating metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. It is crucial to ensure that the model’s performance on the test set is consistent with its performance on the validation set. If the model’s performance is not satisfactory, it may be necessary to revisit the previous steps and make adjustments.

In summary, building a Logistic Regression model involves data preparation, variable selection, model building, and model evaluation. By following these steps, we can build a model that performs well on the test set and can be used to make accurate predictions in real-world scenarios.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Logistic Regression


Logistic Regression is a popular classification algorithm in Machine Learning due to its simplicity and ease of implementation. Here are some of the advantages of using logistic regression:

  • Efficient: Logistic Regression is computationally efficient and easy to implement, making it ideal for large datasets. It is also less prone to overfitting than other models, making it more reliable.
  • Interpretability: Logistic Regression produces coefficients that can be interpreted to understand the relationship between the input variables and the output variable.
  • Flexibility: Logistic Regression can handle both binary and multi-class classification problems. It can also handle non-linear relationships between the input variables and the output variable.
  • Robustness: Logistic Regression is robust to outliers and can handle missing values.


Despite its popularity, Logistic Regression has some limitations that should be taken into consideration when using it for classification tasks. Here are some of the disadvantages of using logistic regression:

  • Limited Complexity: Logistic Regression is a linear model and can only model linear relationships between the input variables and the output variable. This means that it may not be able to capture complex relationships between the variables.
  • Assumption of Linearity: Logistic Regression assumes that the relationship between the input variables and the output variable is linear. If this assumption is violated, the model may not perform well.
  • Sensitive to Outliers: Logistic Regression is sensitive to outliers and may not perform well if there are outliers in the dataset.
  • Not Suitable for Large Number of Features: Logistic Regression may not perform well when there are a large number of input variables. This is because it may overfit the data or become computationally expensive.

In conclusion, Logistic Regression is a popular classification algorithm in Machine Learning due to its simplicity and interpretability. However, it has some limitations that should be taken into consideration when using it for classification tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should you use logistic regression in machine learning?

Logistic regression is a popular algorithm for binary classification problems. It is used when the dependent variable is binary (0/1, True/False, Yes/No) and the independent variables are continuous or categorical. Logistic regression is a good choice when you want to predict the probability of an event occurring, such as whether a customer will buy a product or not.

Can you explain logistic regression with an example?

Yes, let’s say we want to predict whether a student will pass or fail an exam based on their study hours. We can use logistic regression to model the relationship between study hours and the probability of passing the exam. The independent variable is study hours, and the dependent variable is pass/fail.

What are the types of logistic regression?

There are three main types of logistic regression: binary, multinomial, and ordinal. Binary logistic regression is used when the dependent variable has only two possible outcomes. Multinomial logistic regression is used when the dependent variable has three or more categories that are not ordered. Ordinal logistic regression is used when the dependent variable has three or more categories that are ordered.

How do you perform logistic regression step by step?

The steps to perform logistic regression are as follows:

  1. Collect and prepare data
  2. Define the problem and select the independent variables
  3. Create the logistic regression model
  4. Train the model using the data
  5. Evaluate the model using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score
  6. Use the model to make predictions on new data

What function does logistic regression use?

Logistic regression uses the logistic function, also known as the sigmoid function. The sigmoid function maps any real-valued number to a value between 0 and 1. The logistic function is used to model the relationship between the independent variables and the probability of the dependent variable.

How would you explain logistic regression to someone without a technical background?

Logistic regression is a statistical technique used to model the relationship between a binary dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is often used in machine learning to predict the probability of an event occurring, such as whether a customer will buy a product or not. The model uses the logistic function to map the independent variables to the probability of the dependent variable.